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What does this popular statement mean to you, your personal definition, what is fittest . ? Thank you for your considered response.
Natural selection conceived of as a struggle for life in which only those organisms best adapted survival of the fittest definition to existing conditions are able to survive and reproduce.
In evolutionary theory the survival of only those organisms best able (fittest) to obtain and utilize resources. This phenomenon is the .
[edit] English [edit] Etymology. Coined by philosopher Herbert Spencer in 1864. [edit] Noun. survival of the fittest (uncountable) Natural selection. 1872, Charles .
Sozialdarwinismus / Survival of the Fittest: Bezeichnung f�r eine soziologische Erkl�rung gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, nach der sich im .
Survival of the fittest is a phrase which is a shorthand for a concept relating to competition for survival or predominance. It codifies the observance of zoologists and animal .
Definition of survival of the fittest
surrender of tenancy; surtax; surveillance; survey; survey research; survivability; survival of the fittest; survivor; survivor principle; survivorship; survivorship annuity
survival of the fittest definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'Knights of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem','goodness of fit','Chancellor of the Duchy .
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Definition of survival of the fittest. What does survival of the fittest mean? Meaning of survival of the fittest. survival of the fittest synonyms,
survival of the fittest definition
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